Sic Waiting - Great Apes - Caskitt (1/10/2015 @ Tower Bar, San Diego CA)
I woke up this Saturday morning feeling like absolute shit. Not sick, but more exhausted. Since the new year began, I have been sleeping less like a baby, and more like a meth addict. I can definitely feel my shitty body getting old, and it fucking sucks. So needless to say, my original plan for the day was to shut my blinds and forget the world existed. The weekend only comes once a week, and I wasn't going to waste this one by being all proactive and responsible. So I turned on Netflix and watched season 4 of Portlandia. By the end of the last episode, I realized I was actually hungry, and I had an errand to run. Begrudgingly, I put on pants and ventured out into the world. First stop: Wal-Mart. I needed a frame for my awesome poster I picked up at the RVIVR show and because I frame my posters now because I'm an adult. Why Wal-Mart? Because I got that fucking frame for $4. I may be an adult, but I'm still poor. Now to solve crisis number 2. My ever rumbling tummy. I decided I hated myself just enough to go to this hole in the wall Chinese food place that gives you a mountain of food for like 5 bucks. "Food" acquired, I realized I had been out in the real world for far too long and raced back home to eat the 6 pounds of noodles and chicken and watch Silence of the Lambs for the millionth time.
Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?
Why is any of this important you ask? Because this was the plan for the day. To keep on doing this until I eventually passed out sweaty and ashamed. (Un)fortunately, my buddy Rich decided to text me and tell me he was going to the Great Apes San Diego show, he was leaving at 8:30, and he was driving. I figured since I missed (didn't watch, whatever) Great Apes the night before, that I guess I could abandon my grand evening plans and go.
When we arrived at the Tower Bar in North Park, the first thing I noticed was how many fucking people were there. I was shocked, I absolutely did not think this many people would show up for this. I knew for a fact, that at the very least half of our friends who usually go to these shows were down the street at the Ignite show. After we parked and actually rolled up to the bar, it all became clear. All the bands were hanging out in the back parking lot and I could hear the muffled double kick drums and high pitched screeching from inside the bar. Turns out, there was a show before this show. A quick search I did right now tells me it was "Pyrate Punx" featuring the headlining act "Oakland Crust Legends" Born Dead. Needless to say, we had about an hour to kill before our shift started, so we did what any responsible adult would do and headed to the liquor store to buy 40's. Hanging in the parking lot, shooting the shit with the buddies, my belly full of Chinese food and dead brain wouldn't let me enjoy my 40 ounces of freedom, so when we got yelled at for the second time about not being able to drink in the parking lot, I abandoned all hope and pounded ye Monster Energy drink. Caskitt was about to play anyways.
First things first, walking into the bar, it smelled like when you drive past a garbage dump on a really hot summer day. A few of the trash people were still lingering at the bar, trying to extract every last drop of their $3 tall cans of PBR when Caskitt began playing. I decided to watch the reactions of the bullet belted punx, and they did not disappoint. A few seemed to enjoy what they were seeing although with a look of disdain on their faces, a few had the reaction most people have, "the drummer is the singer, dude", and a few completely ignored what was happening in an attempt to up the punx through shitty beer flavored water. It was all very entertaining. As for Caskitt, I give them 4 liberty spikes/5.
My laziness is starting to show
Great Apes
Great Apes are a band from San Francisco. That is all I know about them. I've heard a bunch that they are a band I would enjoy, and I have even gone as far as downloading their music. But like most new bands I try and get into, I just don't. I sat on Direct Hit! for at least 6 months before they randomly came on shuffle on my iPod, and now they are one of my favorite bands. I always feel like an idiot when I eventually realize I like a band, but sometimes it just doesn't click in my stupid brain. Well, after seeing them play live, it is starting to click. To my musically untrained ears, they played extremely well. The singers voice is the right amount of gruff, the guitarist didn't fuck up, and team rhythm seemed to be on time. I liked it a lot. Since I am not really familiar with the bands body of work, I can't say exactly what they played, but after listening to their albums again I know they at least played Seventeen Years. So the fact that I can remember hearing that song is a good sign. I think. Needless to say, I will be rechecking them out and I suggest you do to. 5 vest studs/5.
I thought it was really funny they had to share a mic for some reason
Sic Waiting
Apparently I have a habit of not really watching at least one band at every show. I was so tired at this point I decided to just sit at the bar and have a beer. Its not like I couldn't see the band from there. I wasn't really drinking at this point because I had no money from 1) Surprise unplanned trip to Oakland for new years 2) I had only worked 2-1/2 days the week before. So, I pretty much slow drank a Cali Creamin and listened to Jared ramble between playing songs. 4 del scorchos/5.
And that was that! Another day, another show. Don't worry, I did get to finish my just be a piece of shit day on Sunday. Nothing but Carne Asada fries and Broad City! I highly recommend both. The ladies who made it are geniuses and Hannibal Buress is hilarious. And carne asada fries, pretty self explanatory why those are good.
So now I am caught up on show reviews so far. This weekend I will be attending Western Addiction at VLHS and Lagwagon at the Fonda Theatre in Hollywood. Its going to be rad.
Would you fuck me? I'd Fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard. Goodbye Horses...
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