RVIVR - Western Settings - DFMK (1/8/2015 @ Til-Two Club, San Diego CA)
Warning: All of this took place last Thursday, and my memory is basically a CHUD from the movie CHUD. You know, that horror movie from the 80's with the robber from Home Alone who wasn't Joe Pesci, and he had to battle sewer monsters created by the government? No? Fine. Moving on...Like most shows I go to, the night started in my friend Kenny's kitchen (Kenny, from hashtag kennygoestoshows (a far superior name then mine, but I didn't want to be a dick and steal it)) drinking beer with Jackie (from jackieisgreen.com, a blog about cooking food out of lettuce). Jackie and I decided earlier it would be in everyone's best interest to stop by Luigi's in North Park to get some pizza before the show, because obviously that's always a good idea. And it was. I had a crime scene (9/10) and something that once had Bell Peppers on it (-100/10). Now, Justine was nice enough to pick the devil's fruit off of my pizza before they cooked it, but unfortunately Bell Peppers ruin everything they touch, kind of like a shitty King Midas, so the lingering taste of hell was still there. Basically I hate bell peppers, and I will from time to time use this as a mouthpiece to remind everyone of that fact.
Pictured: a slice of pizza I ate 2 years ago
Anywho, with our bellies full and our ears empty, we headed to the show. We arrived a little early, mostly because we wanted one of the cool show posters they had printed out, and by god if we didn't get one. They pushed the show back a little bit to 10pm because they only had 3 bands playing instead of the normal amount of 142, much to the grumbling of the old people and employed pieces of shit. But we should of known, Punk Code section 8, article 12 clearly states, "no punk show shall finish rocking before midnight, especially on school days dude"
DFMK, or the more politically correct Don't Fuck My Kids, is a Rock y Roll Punk band from Tijuana, Mexico. I have heard nothing but good things about these guys and have wanted to see them play for quite some time, but every time they have been around, I was apparently doing something waaaaaay cooler. I wanted to keep my expectations low, because most peoples opinions tend to be a pile of shit, but this time the general consensus was correct. This band fucking rules. The lead singer had an energy you rarely see anymore. He was running around, falling to the ground, dancing, making awesome faces, and just looked like he enjoys the shit out of life. I have no idea what any of their songs were about (public education fails again! 2 years of Spanish, nothing stuck) I do know at least one song was about the dangers of doing Meth, because he told us. I highly suggest seeing this band if you can, they were a breathe of fresh air in this stagnant punk scene [Gratuitous review wording].
Fuchsia Man Group
Not going to lie, I have seen them play a thousand times, and although they are homies and I like them, I used this time to catch up on some beer drinking and cigarette smoking. Had a Cali Creaming from Mother Earth Brewery and a few Marlboro 27's. I think Kenny bought me a whiskey ginger that I swallowed whole.
What can I say about RVIVR that hasn't been said a million times? I honestly have no idea, I'm not that big into reading review blogs. Erica Freas has the voice of a million angels singing in perfect unison, and Mattie Jo Canino has a voice some might call "technically a singing voice". I personally enjoy both, so to the left haters. There were a lot of people that showed up, I hadn't seen Til-Two that packed since The Flatliners played there last year, so not wanting to get sweated on by everybody, I took a seat to the side of the stage on what I can only assume was a barrel made of foam that was covered in PBR. Still better then the sweat. They played the usual set of old songs and a few new (off last years EP Bicker and Breathe). It was very enjoyable, spoonboy was filling in on bass, they sounded good, the between song agendas were kept to a minimum, and the crowd was into it singing along. I'm pretty sure Mattie made the required Anchorman joke in the beginning, so that's good. Don't want us San Diegans to forget about that movie. Some girl kept yelling at me only when the band was playing about something, I think she was saying how good they were live. I was sitting right next to the speaker, so I guess the world will never know. Some other girl tried to sit on my foam barrel and spilled more PBR, I tried to make a hilarious joke, but I just assume she thought I was threatening her because she immediately left. After the band finished, and the crowd did their half assed "one more song" chant, they played a couple more, closed out the night with Spider Song and Change on Me, which I was happy about. Love those songs. And with that, I grabbed a set list and bailed to get my few precious hours of sleep before I had to go slave away as a part of the system, man.
RVIVR, singing about social change and the off season moves the San Diego Padres have been making
Whelp, that is it for this installment. This is probably what all my entries might look like. I'll probably dick around with the format until I'm happy, maybe. Tune in tomorrow to read about me going to see Bad Cop/Bad Cop at VLHS.
I need a cool, like, sign off sentence.
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