Monday, February 16, 2015

Burritos and Pancakes

Will's Birthday Show: Ash Williams - Weekender - Sic Waiting - Western Settings - Shinjoku Riot/No Talent (2/13/15 @ Til-Two Club, San Diego CA)

Oh, hello there! I didn't see you come in. It's been a few weeks since I have graced the music scene with my presence, but here we are, back in the saddle. Kevin rides again. Whatever.


This Friday just so happened to be on the 13th. So as is tradition, after 9 soul crushing hours of working, I ventured off to a tattoo shop to grab one of those quick $13 tattoos. Excitedly, I rushed to San Marcos, ran into the shop to sign in, and sat down on the world's most inappropriate and extremely uncomfortable waiting room "chair" that has ever existed (This tattoo shop is super hip, so fashion over functionality, you know?) Have you ever gone somewhere and walked in and just felt like you shouldn't be there? I'm looking around at all the people in the room, and I realize I'm the oldest person here by at least 8 years, I'm still rocking work clothes, and I'm the only guy. These are the types of situations most dudes would fantasize about, but in real life, fuck that, I'm surrounded by annoying children was my only thought (I'm aging very nicely into my personality). Thankfully I overheard that the wait was about 3 hours, so I packed it up and bailed before I had to explain to Chris Hansen why I was there.

The second obstacle to getting to the show was my softball game. Yes, I play adult co-ed slow pitch softball. It's fun, sue me. Our team is The Parking Lot Drinkers, a name we have earned. This weeks game was against our bitter rivals, and old team mates The Velocibatters. We totally fucking lost. But we had fun doing it!*

Two disappointments down, it was time to head down to San Diego to watch some bands!

Shinjoku Riot/No Talent

Only half of both of these bands from Mexico showed up, so instead of letting the people down and canceling their appearance, they did the quick math and realized half a band plus half a band equals a whole band! One mega Tijuana band. Which I completely missed. Traffic down there was a bitch, even at 9 at night. I blame the stupid fake love holiday.

Western Settings

Almost every time these guys play, for whatever reason I just don't watch them. I have no idea why. Maybe its because I know them. Maybe its because I know I'll be able to see them play again. Maybe it was the evolution of Ricky's rat tail to full blown mullet. Whatever the reason, I decided tonight I was going to not only watch them, but actually pay attention, no matter what. It was Will's birthday after all! But after half a song I found myself involuntarily outside smoking a cigarette. Like they play and I just get teleported elsewhere. Luckily some naggy blonde a dear friend was there to remind me I couldn't write about the show if I didn't watch the show. So I ventured back in and forced myself to stay, like a dog, with promises of treats (beer).

I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong. Most of the time. Sometimes. Maybe. If I'm drunk. What I'm trying to say is, yes I am dumb for not really paying attention to these guys. I'm sorry. The whole band plays with this energy, almost like they enjoy playing music! Audible gasp! Weird right? Tonight was no different, very solid, very good. About halfway through, Ricky had us sing Will happy birthday, which is normally cliché and dumb, but when you have a room of about 75 friends singing to another friend, its actually kind of cool. Another point of interest, is during the last song, they were joined by Kevin White, formerly of Caskitt, currently of living in Florida, who apparently hopped on a plane and flew in to hang out.

I'm an idiot, this is a known fact. It always takes a while for a band I eventually end up liking to actually click in my brain. I have seen Western Settings play a ton of times, I have their old EP on my iPod, I have even streamed their new full length that's coming. I've liked this band, but I've kept them at arms length. This show has made me finally want to fully embrace Western Settings in nice big warm awkward holding it for too long hug.

Disappointed Will wasn't wearing a party hat

Sic Waiting

I'm not going to lie, I mostly wanted to watch Jared and company because Jared has a broken foot, and I thought seeing him hobble around on stage in a cast would make me feel better about myself. And it totally did. In spite of that, I think WS left some of their energy on the stage, because this is probably the best I have seen Sic Waiting play yet. Jason broke a bass string he was rocking so hard. A bass string! Those fuckers are thick. Very well done. I was thoroughly impressed with the San Diego music scene that night.
Nice cast bro.
I wanted to watch Weekender, I have heard really good things about them, but unfortunately the night kind of devolved into a drunken shit show. So while I didn't watch Weekender or Ash Williams, I did smoke an entire pack of cigarettes, took shots of what tastes like Listerine, and watched part of Beverly Hills Cop II on mute. Kenny was really hammered, and wouldn't shut up about breakfast foods. Particularly pancakes and breakfast pizza. I have one note in my phone that Jess had me take:
Life's weird man, like we are hear now and tomorrow we're like, "I just want to eat some pancakes" (makes pancake eating motion), and then we are back at work"
So that pretty much sums up where the night went. Which don't get me wrong, I absolutely love. I had a blast. Good night, good music, good friends. Party.
Next weekend should be a good one. Friday is Dre day in Hollywood, which is a celebration of Dr. Dre's birthday with a bunch of bands playing and covering Dre produced songs, and games and shit in-between. And Saturday is Mac Sabbath, a Black Sabbath / McDonalds cover band. Look them up. Please.
*that's a lie. Losing is never fun. fact. Win or die.

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